2017 Symposium #2: Ridge to Reef – Development and Climate Change

2017 Symposium Flyer - Ridge to Reef

As a Small Island Developing State, Barbados has found itself particularly vulnerable to environmental challenges. This symposium aims to examine the environmental issues which affect development in Barbados and consider the ways, including policies and practices, to make development resilient to these challenges.

Please Click Here to view the Ridge to Reef Report.

Court decision will make planning delays worse!

Planning decisions on beachfront and agricultural land have always taken too long but the system has been thrown into confusion following a legal decision by Madam Justice Cornelius.  As a result of the judgment all of these cases are no longer being dealt with by the Chief Town Planner but are being passed to the Prime Minister’s Office to be processed.  As the Prime Minister’s Office does not to our knowledge employ qualified Town Planners these applications are not currently being dealt with.  A solution needs to be found quickly or the system will grind to a halt.

BTPS Six Men’s Judgement press release revised

PDP 2017 Community Meetings

The Physical Development Plan Amended 2017, for Barbados is intended to provide a vision for sustainable growth and development of the nation by setting out policies to guide relationships among land uses, built form, mobility, community facilities and physical infrastructure. It is also intended to be a framework to facilitate and guide investment, both public and private, in Barbados to the year 2035 to advance a healthy, prosperous and resilient nation.

The Town & Country Planning Office will be accepting comments regarding the Draft PDP Amendment 2017 until 15th March 2017. Comments can be submitted to the email address [email protected] or via the comment form on the PDP website (see link below).  The PDP can be downloaded in sections from there as well.


There are also a series of community meetings planned. See below flyer.

Barbados Physical Development Plan Amendment 2017
Barbados Physical Development Plan Amendment 2017

2016 Symposium: Spatial Planning – Improving the Nation’s Health and Wellness on 8 Nov 2016

Barbados has growing problems of non-communicable diseases and a rapidly ageing population.  How can good physical planning and design improve the wellness of the nation and provide accessibility for everyone to an improved quality of life?

The symposium will explore ways in which improved provision of open space, better accessibility and mobility in urban centres and wider housing choices can make a real difference.


Spatial Planning, Health and Wellness Symposium Flyer 2016

2016 Symposium: Planning for Renewable Energy in Barbados on 23 Sept 2016

UPDATE: A successful tour of the Trents PV site and Lamberts Wind site was undertaken on 20th October, 2016.  I can confirm that all who attended were impressed.

Trents wave
BLPCL’s Trents PV Facility

UPDATE: After a very successful seminar held on 23rd September, 2016 and attended by over 80 persons, please see the presentation documents which served as guidelines only:

DESCRIPTION: This seminar will examine the opportunities for renewable energy in Barbados.  It will look at projects already in the pipeline and future potential.  It will explore what factors need to be in place to maximize development.

In particular it will consider what aspects of the planning system need to be developed or improved to assist in the transition to a renewable future.

 Registration: —LINK HAS BEEN REMOVED—
 BTPS 2016 Renewable Energy Flyer

2016 Workshop: Updating the Physical Development Plan for Barbados on 19 April 2016

This workshop will provide an opportunity to find out more about the updating of the Physical Development Plan for Barbados.

Urban Strategies Inc. (the consultants the Government has engaged to prepare the Plan) will outline the process and identify emerging issues that they will address.

You will have a chance to provide your views on what the Plan should cover.


BTPS PDP Workshop 2016 Flyer_Website

August 2015 Publication: Transparency & Modernisation of Planning – A Prospectus for Action

This  report  makes  the  case  for  transparency  and  modernisation  of  the  planning  system  in Barbados  on  economic,  social  and  environmental  grounds.    It  puts forward  a  Prospectus  for Action which sets out a roadmap for fundamental reform along with improvements that can be made immediately.

BTPS Transparency and Modernisation Prospectus_Final