
Members List

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There are currently 2 names in this directory beginning with the letter P.

Penfold, Kim
  1. Name: Kim Penfold
  2. Qualifications: MA (Cantab) Geography, LLB Law, Dip Town & Regional Planning, MRTPI, BTPS
  3. Employment: Consultant, Planning and Development Department
  4. Telephone numbers: (246) 236 6889 or +44 (0)7768 988670
  5. Email address: [email protected], or [email protected]
  6. Website:

Penfold, Sandra
  1. Name: Sandra F. Penfold
  2. Qualifications: MA (Cantab) Geography, MA Town & Regional Planning, MRTPI, BTPS
  3. Employment: self-employed
  4. Telephone number: (246) 259-1336
  5. Email address: [email protected]
  6. Website:


Honorary Members

The list of Honorary Members of the BTPS are as follows:

  • Luther Bourne, former Chief Town Planner, awarded on 6th July, 2019;
  • Lionel Nurse , former Chief Town Planner, awarded on 6th July, 2019;
  • Christine Toppin-Allahar, specialist planning and environmental lawyer, awarded on 6th July, 2019;
  • Richard C. Gill, urban and spatial planner, awarded on 26th April, 2024;

New Members

Please find a copy of the official BTPS application form that can be printed, completed and returned for the consideration of the BTPS Council.  Detailed instructions are included on the application form itself.